May cause heart failure. 2,373 assholes reportedly died from cardiac arrest after reading this website.

You mad?

Eataloser is batshit crazy no matter how you look at it. In fact there is never a shortage of crazy on this website, and in all honestly its only purpose is really just to act as a fuel for my egoistical actions.

Bullshit rains down 25/7 in this place. Since I'm working overtime to ensure that people are offended, I expect you to at least appreciate my efforts and try to enjoy your stay.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

What game am I?

The thing you put on your foot

The money bag

The ship

The single wheel transportation device

The animal you race

The needle thing

The thing that keeps your head warm

The woman's most used electric appliance

The 4 wheel transportation device

-I am Monopoly (Santana" 2010)