I am Santana.
Webmaster's note: Fuck you if you don't like this site. What you can do? Yes you go eat some soggy condom.
I live in New Zealand. A little island which is, from as low as 700 Kms below sea level to as high as 700 above and everything within viewable distance from all costal areas, constructed from Earth’s finest bullshit. Long forgotten by everyone in this world with a life except from award winning director Peter Jackass (Peter Jackson is his name but I’m sure he was formerly Mr. Jackass) and his shitty Lord of The Rings trilogy. Bored as a fuck I decided to do something similar to Maddox after finding out and reading his ass-kicking site. But off course in a sense a little different, or I would be announced as a plagiarizer and sent to hell along with Tucker Max.
For you winners out there that don’t know who the fuck Maddox is. You all blow ass-lube, I mean how the fuck do you not know such an awesome site that has millions of hits probably every day?
You guys are not even as popular or as “hip” as a 14 year old computer geek. Yes even they know about Maddox sucker. Learn to use Google or Wikipedia don’t ask stupid questions.
I’m not saying that just because a site has tons of views every day it gives them an automatic license not to be shit, but lets face it, how many shitty sites out there are getting millions of hits. His site is simplistic and will not only kick-your-ass but will also do it in 8 different flavors.
Lukewarm apple custard – wankers that want to or have already ordered an iphone
Curry and Vinegar – cripples that try to make (/scam) a living for some stupid accident they had
Sour milk with cheese cornflakes – people that have kids
Sour milk with cheese corn chips – loud, obnoxious, ignorant kids in general
Pickled Cherries – Suckers that like MTV
Diluted cordial – Pussies
Avocado orange pie - uber hax0rs that suck at computer games (AOL users in particular)
"I rock sox and u suck cox" - Santana"