May cause heart failure. 2,373 assholes reportedly died from cardiac arrest after reading this website.

You mad?

Eataloser is batshit crazy no matter how you look at it. In fact there is never a shortage of crazy on this website, and in all honestly its only purpose is really just to act as a fuel for my egoistical actions.

Bullshit rains down 25/7 in this place. Since I'm working overtime to ensure that people are offended, I expect you to at least appreciate my efforts and try to enjoy your stay.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Santana" - Types of people in HIGHSCHOOL

Hey guys I've always been pissed, actually excessively pissed over the hierarchy at my high school. I have always wondered whether other high schools are the same Please give me a comment after you have read my post to tell me if your high school is like that too.

If I had to put all the guys in my school into classes, here's what it would seem like.

[Nb: the top of the hierarchy obviously is the top of the food chain, there are also outliers that I fail to categorize into the social hierarchy, these are in a separate group at the end.]

For the guys :

-the Jocks

-the Sports nubs

-the Rich

-the "Good looking"

-the Average people

-the Randoms

-the Nerds

-the Book nerds



-the Asians

- ^^ Me

Explanation and wider context to these social classes:

The Jocks, also known as The Sports Jocks

If you happen to be one of them and you are reading this site, then please click the 'x' on the top right of your browser. Turn off your computer then format your hard drive with a powerful fridge magnet. Oh wait, is that too much for you to handle? Well the translation of that is : FUCK OFF PLEASE

I get asked this question quite often. Do you not like high school jocks Santana" ?

Actually no, I quite like them. The make sure that my fast food gets delivered as soon as possible. Oh yea and they always pack my groceries for me when I go to the supermarket. Yea so overall they are quite helpful.

Well anyway, The Jocks. Everyone knows who they are, they are the faggots that play sport for a 'rep' team at school and everyone seems to be so fond of. I used to be a tennis player, I played for senior A team when I was only in junior school. But I never got acknowledged at all. My school never cared about tennis or any other sport that lied outside the domain of cricket, rugby, soccer, and hockey. What do those bastards want? Not like I did any less to contribute to the school's sport reputation as those guys did. Tennis players, swimmers, squash players, bikers and everyone else that don’t play those selected sports work so hard… to get neglected. No one gave a shit about us.

These Jocks are the faggots that get to get off class early and get all the pussy because they play ball all day just to get brain damage. Don’t they realize that NOBODY GIVES A SHIT about high school sports in the real world? What is "1st 15 Rugby team" going to tell an employer apart from the fact that you probably have brain damage and other serious life threatening conditions I call "dumbass" and "idiot".

Santana" why do these bitches get all the pussy at your school? Are the girls really fucked up?

Well yea, well said. Girls at my school have problems too, there are too many mudd girls at my school. Dunno what mud means? Visit this site to see a picture of an example of what the majority of girls at my school are like. [WARNING : contains offensive content. R18] The few fit girls at my school are either really snobby or . . . .actually I can go on about this one for ages. Wait for another post on this

Some of you must be thinking that I'm jelous and I'm just bullshitting because of that. But no!

High school Jocks think they are really cool but they do the fucking most dickless shit you will ever see just read my friend RSC's guest article to find out more.

These idiots just don’t get it.

Check my next article to read up on the second definition to my social hierarchy classification. Links will be posted soon. Bookmark and check often!


Anonymous said...

Looking forward to ur next post!
keep up the good work Santana''! :D

Unknown said...

And that is why Macleans licks balls.

Anonymous said...

Dude, you are such a pussy. You live in a second rate country and you live a second rate life. Kill yourself.

Santana said...

You are the pussy "anonymous", what a weak comment, so what if I live in a "second rate" country? isn't that what I told you from my VERY FIRST post? Or are you too brain damaged to read idiot?

Since you must live in a "first rate" country does that mean that your shit doesn't smell? Asshole brain damaged jock with no common sense. Oh wait, isn't that all of them? Thanks for proving my point dumbass.

Anonymous said...


Maybe if you quit bitching and feeling sorry for yourself you can do something about it,then you can have pussy too.

That defeatist "poor me" attitude gets you nowhere.

So either buck up about it, or stick a gun in your mouth.

Santana said...

I'll stick my dick in your mouth asshole.

You buck up your bullshit before you post comments. For someone that goes and reads articles online then responds to the author like you know them in real life, you are one to talk about getting pussy?

Get the fuck off my site and format your computer loser. I don't want obsolete people on my site.

Santana said...

By the way, why are you responding anyway? Did you want another "e-buddy"? Well no, FUCK OFF, I don't want to be your "e-friend". Get a social life you rat.

Anonymous said...

"You are the pussy "anonymous", what a weak comment, so what if I live in a "second rate" country? isn't that what I told you from my VERY FIRST post? Or are you too brain damaged to read idiot?"

Correction: You live in a third rate country.

No, I did not read your first post. Why? Because I couldn't care less.

For the sake of not getting into a full bore cyber pissing match I will say that you are very hypocritical and very off base with your claims about "Jocks". You bitch and moan via your keyboard (while all the so called "jocks" are out being social and, more likely than not, hanging out with a female other than their mother) about jocks being such assholes yet your incessant ranting is doing nothing to better society as a whole and is actually doing the opposite.

May God have mercy on your soul.

Santana said...

Looks like you have a very good social life. Is that why you keep checking my blog for my comments? Are you an idiot?

So what if I live in a shitty country, I rule anyway. Lets assume you live in a so called "first rate" country, so why do YOU suck so much? Face it, just because you live in a good country it doesn't mean that you have an automatic license not to suck. Look at you loser, just fuck off away from my site and eat a dog out.

Who the fuck spends their time thinking about who dates their own mother asshole. You are indeed a queer.

Anonymous said...

"Looks like you have a very good social life. Is that why you keep checking my blog for my comments? Are you an idiot?"

No I have a good social life, but your jealousy and loneliness are forms of my entertainment.

"So what if I live in a shitty country, I rule anyway. Lets assume you live in a so called "first rate" country, so why do YOU suck so much? Face it, just because you live in a good country it doesn't mean that you have an automatic license not to suck. Look at you loser, just fuck off away from my site and eat a dog out."

You "rule". Gee wilikers thats awesome, Im so proud of you! Sorry I entered your worthless site in the first place (you basically begged everyone in the myspace forums to look at your page, so I did just to see how big of a dumbass you actually are).

"Who the fuck spends their time thinking about who dates their own mother asshole. You are indeed a queer."

Once again, you are a dumbass. I never said anyone dated their mother. I said that jocks "hang out" with girls other than their mother(s). Reading is fundamental.

Anonymous said...

" Santana said...

I'll stick my dick in your mouth asshole."


Santana said...

You are indeed an idiot

"hanging out with a female other than their mother"

what the fuck is that asshole? Reading is fundamental? I think that you should first understand what you wrote before you criticize other people. Didn't they teach jocks how to write in high school? Having a dictionary/thesaurus doesn't mean you have good vocabulary.

If the jocks are "more likely than not hanging out with a female other their own mothers", what the fuck are you imply asshole? That some hang out with their mothers! Holy shit I can read and you can't read OR write.

Whats hanging out with your mother called? DATING. HOLY SHIT GENIUS.

Stop visiting my blog asshole, get a social life. If you claim to have one, good. Then stop checking out blogs that belong to someone that you don't even fucking know and replying comments.

If there is a level beyond "idiot" you are the level beyond that one.

P.S : shut the fuck up and don't call people "dude" because thats just gay.

Anonymous said...

First of all, stop contradicting yourself dumbass.

"what the fuck is that asshole? "

"what the fuck are you imply
asshole? "

"Stop visiting my blog asshole"

"If there is a level beyond "idiot" you are the level beyond that one."

Notice in the first three quotes you refer to me as an "asshole", then in the last quote you claim that I am "a level beyond idiot". The irony of this is the fact that your blog is titled "I am an asshole". So, technically by calling me an asshole, you are putting me on the exact same level as you. Thus, when you claim that I am "the level beyond an idiot" you are effectively insulting yourself as well. See the correlation? Or was that way over your head?

Secondly, I will stop visiting your worthless blog (which you use as an emotional and social crutch because you are too afraid to say these things to the "jock's" faces) when you stop flooding the myspace college sports forum with your worthless bullshit.

Thirdly, having a dictionary(definitions) and/or thesaurus(synonyms) do not help with sentence structure, which is a large part of grammar. Comprende? Also, I know what I wrote and what my grammatically correct sentence meant, it is not my fault if you are too big of a dumbass to understand it.

"whats hanging out with your mother called? DATING. HOLY SHIT GENIUS."

So when I eat dinner with my family I am dating my mother? Yeah you are a dumbass. The term dating among youths in our generation implies that there is romantic interest involved.

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt! "

-Abraham Lincoln

^I wish you would have seen that before you ever laid eyes on a keyboard.

I enjoying owning you, "homie".

Santana said...

Just because you and I are both assholes it doesn't mean that what you are I have to be as well.

For example, I'm a human and you're a human as well. Does that mean that we are both of the same sex? Does that mean we are both of the same sexuality?

Clearly not, you are a woman and I am a man. Although you may like women as well as I do, I have a heterosexual preference where as you are homosexual or lesbian.

"See the correlation? Or was that way over your head?"

Why do you have to embarrass yourself. I could see that your English has improved with each post you make on my website. I acknowledge that, great to see that you have improved your English idiot. But you still haven't improved your COMMON SENSE!

"So when I eat dinner with my family I am dating my mother?"

well, NO ASSHOLE! You are eating dinner with your family! besides you said

"being social and, more likely than not, hanging out with a female other than their mother"

your meaning is clear, there is no use trying to cover up for anything. You clearly lost this one mate. I'm glad that you won't visit my blog again, I honestly don't know how to teach someone COMMON SENSE.

I think that your quote suits you more. Knowing a few English terms, unfortunately doesn't make your shitty argument any better.

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt! "

-Abraham Lincoln

Don't be a sad lonely fuck, I enjoying owning you too, "homie".

You're a real gangster "bro".

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous" just fuck off, no one spends their time thinkin about who dates their mum. Ur a sick fuck.

Anonymous said...


and whats even funnier is that those jocks will grow up to become cops, thereby harassing you for the rest of your natural, boring, gay life.